
Transformational & Conscious Leadership Coach

Why I believe I am qualified to support you has everything to do with my journey!

A thorny life made me quite proficient in resilience, until the day I collapsed physically and mentally after a long series of traumatic events, forcing me into very early retirement due to disability, after an 18-year career as a teacher/trainer. In retrospect, it was an empowering blessing that enabled me to reconnect with who I am and my purpose.

To describe myself, I need to go back in time because it all started with “little Natalie” and five dominant character traits.

  • Right from my early childhood, I’ve had a passion for bringing a smile to people’s faces and reflecting the treasures I see in them, along with a firm conviction that beauty, love and magic can be found everywhere (when I was 5, one of our neighbours always wanted his anxious son to come and play with me because I had a soothing effect on him!).
  • My insatiable curiosity and eagerness to discover, understand, learn and help made me an avid reader and I tumbled upon my first book about psychology when I was 9 or 10 years old (I read other things at that time that weren’t so suitable for a child that age; curiosity does have some downsides…). I’m interested in a wide range of subjects and genres, but my fascination for everything related to the human mind, the human brain and the psyche surpasses them all!
  • As far as I can remember, I have been drawn to spiritual matters. I had no religious education as a child because both my parents had suffered in their youth because of their religious affiliation, but it didn’t stop me. Whenever we went to a park, I would go and listen to preachers (a practice that earned me quite a few ice-creams from intrigued old ladies). I loved going to church with my Irish grandmother, and treasured the moments she put me to bed and made me pray with her. As I grew, I educated myself in those religions, the others, and a variety of spiritual approaches, and although I got baptised in my twenties, today I have a more holistic vision that I will call The Great Spirit (if my father reads this, he will no doubt be happy!).
  • I was attracted to writing even before drawing. I would pretend I was writing until my mother finally taught me how to do it. When I write, I feel I’m painting stories with my words.
  • Justice, fairness and equity made me an ardent (and irrational) warrior when I was young. Life has taught me that for now these three values remain utopic, and not only under totalitarian regimes. The Western so-called civilised world is just as bad, in a more sophisticated way. However, the world is changing, albeit slowly, and I’m convinced that just as more and more people are becoming environmental-friendly, so too more and more will become humankind-friendly.

When I recovered from severe PTSD and burnout, and after some deep soul-searching and intense self-coaching, I reconnected with little Natalie and decided to embrace everything I had inside me, without fear, without shame, without the need to conform to who I was supposed to be. The physical pain that had been crippling my body for two years began to dissolve, my mobility improved (I could barely walk and needed a stick), and the 30 kilogrammes, that had invited themselves in sneakily, started leaving my body. I had become my very own miracle! I knew then that I was ready for a new beginning and decided to train to become a certified coach because that was what I had been doing my whole life, what I loved doing and what gave me the power, at my infinitesimal level, to contribute to making the world a better place!


  • You are supposed to have recovered from trauma, abuse, domestic violence and/or severe PTSD but deep down you feel broken, useless, empty.
  • You are burnt out or just about to be.
  • You have been living a life others decided for you, so much so that you have disconnected with who you are.
  • You are feeling your life is escaping you, but you are afraid of changing it.
  • You dislike, even hate at times, who you have become.


  • Stop pretending everything is fine when you are still bleeding inside.
  • Create a fulfilling and balanced life.
  • Be YOURSELF and take control of your own life.
  • Find the strength, the confidence, the resources to start afresh.
  • Reconnect with yourself, develop healthy habits, become a better version of yourself.